Texas Floods

Support your neighbors when disaster strikes

ADRN Responds:
Life-Threatening Flooding Rushes through Texas

May 17, 2024:

Some Houston-area residents could be without power for weeks after deadly Thursday storms.

In an effort to prepare the state’s emergency response, Texas Governor Greg Abbott amended a disaster declaration he issued during a previous surge of Houston-area storms in April. He announced in a statement on Friday, “I have since amended that declaration to ensure every community threatened by dangerous weather conditions would have access to necessary resources.”

May 3, 2024:

Governor Greg Abbot expanded the state’s disaster declaration, covering 88 counties in total, as heavy showers and thunderstorms continue to pour rain into East Texas. Water levels rivaling 2017’s Hurricane Harvey in some towns have prompted mandatory evacuations to escape the devastation.

Officials stress the worst is yet to come for many in the hardest hit regions as the rain shows no sign of stopping and surges of water work its way downriver. “For Texans in at-risk areas, it is important to remain weather-aware, follow the guidance of state and local officials, and avoid traveling in dangerous flood conditions. The State of Texas continues working with emergency management and local officials to deploy any additional resources needed to provide ongoing support and protect our fellow Texans,” said Gov Abbott. ADRN continues to mobilize prayer teams and monitor the situation.

April 19, 2024:

Unexpectedly heavy rains affected several counties in East Texas and Louisiana, after a Flash Flood Emergency was issued by the National Weather Service last Wednesday, 4/10. The severest level of warnings, the storms quickly dumped more than a foot of rain in Kirbyville, TX with similar counts in the areas of Jasper, Newton and Tyler counties. Water levels surpassed 6ft throughout the night.

Dozens of rescues needed to be conducted, emergency personnel reported countless roads impassable, and cities remaining underwater, causing concern among officials.

ADRN is beginning to mobilize prayer teams and provide clean-up supplies to the affected areas.

Volunteers Needed


Flash floods can happen without warning in our region. You and your family may need to evacuate at moment’s notice.

We strongly recommend that you prepare Grab & Go Bags for each family member as well as have a Family Evacuation Plan in place. Download free checklists for both of these today.

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