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Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

A Special Letter from the Executive Director


Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19a ESV

Dear Friends,

How incredible it is to serve a God who loves to do new things! Some new things involve great change, and change can be tricky. On the one hand, new seasons bring new challenges that aren’t always comfortable or easy. On the other hand, change means new opportunities to trust God and grow as we look to Him to work all things for good (Romans 8:28). I’m delighted to share a few things that are taking place as God leads us into a new season of ministry. I also invite you to invest in what God is doing through the Austin Disaster Relief Network, and we’ll rejoice together in what He does through our gifts.

"I see a bright future where pastors are going to come together and recognize the assignment that we have been the church to really be a beacon of light."

At the risk of stating the obvious, one significant change is that I’ve stepped into the role of Executive Director. I welcome this shift as one coming from the Lord’s hand. For the last two years, I’ve served as a consultant to this incredible ministry, learning the inner workings up close and personal. I’m humbled now to be entrusted with this leadership role and offer my years of pastoral ministry and business development experience to God and to you. I desire to serve church leaders across the region who are committed to equipping the saints for the work of ministry. I am eager to see Kingdom-minded partners embody the vision of a united Church responding to disasters in Jesus’ Name. I believe our shared passion for seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ advance will strengthen relationships across this network of churches and serve to advance our mission to see the Church bring hope into crisis for every life and community we serve together. This moves my heart deeply. 

 Continue reading, download the complete Summer Director’s letter here.


ADRN's Service Offerings

1) Coordinated Disaster Response

2) Survivor Care

3) Training

4) Customized Preparedness Planning

Little Walnut Creek Flood Response

On April 20, storms dropped inches of rain in just a few hours, causing Little Walnut Creek in North Austin to break its banks and flood the streets. The flash flood damaged about thirty homes. When City of Austin officials asked ADRN to help, we sent out a team of volunteers to go door-to-door to offer residents our support.

These volunteers used their skills in Critical Incident Stress Management Plus (CISM+) and their compassion to bring hope into crisis for this community. Volunteers met with 13 homeowners and left contact information for others who weren’t home. These teams gave out $3,900 in emergency funds as well as clean-up kits and Bibles. Three families have also asked for long-term support from ADRN Disaster Relief Shepherds while they recover and repair their homes.


You can help survivors receive:

Emergency shelter and accomodations
Essential needs like food, hygiene items, and clothing
Emotional and spiritual support in the short and long-term
Resources to rebuild their homes and lives

PO Box 15424, Austin, TX 78761

Go to for current opportunities.

"Austin Disaster Relief has pulled us back up, so we're able to pull ourselves back up..."

PO Box 15424, Austin, TX 78761

Go to for current opportunities.

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$10 is the minimum online donation. All donations are tax deductible.

Donations Disclaimer: Gifts to ADRN for a specific disaster response will be used as designated. If a specific disaster response becomes overfunded and identified needs have been addressed, the ADRN Board of Directors will redirect your gift to a similar response effort. All other gifts to ADRN are unrestricted and may be used for any purpose consistent with the mission and vision of ADRN.