ADRN’s first calling will always be to help the people of Austin and our surrounding counties when disaster strikes. And for that, we need your continued prayers and support of friends like you.
Now, the Lord has given us another opportunity to minister beyond our region to hurting people from multiple “tribes and nations” just six hours away. The need is great, and we are excited to partner in this massive outreach to provide physical, emotional and spiritual care as well as special training for the next 90 days.
Thank you for your generosity that helps ADRN be prepared to respond to the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of survivors when disaster strikes.

Disclaimer: Gifts to ADRN for a specific disaster response will be used as designated. If a specific disaster response becomes overfunded and identified needs have been addressed, the ADRN Board of Directors will redirect your gift to a similar response effort. All other gifts to ADRN are unrestricted and may be used for any purpose consistent with the mission and vision of ADRN.
Churches of Greater Austin Bringing Hope into Crisis
Our mission is to glorify Christ by equipping, empowering, and mobilizing the Church of Greater Austin to shepherd those affected by disaster and meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.