SURVIVOR HOTLINE: 512-806-0800

Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

Charlie Lujan

Support Charlie’s work in Austin and beyond 

For 30 years Charlie has not only served in ministry in the Austin area, but he has worked to train and build prayer teams all over the world. He is the founder and leader of the Nazarite Kingdom alliance, the Prayer Pastor at Austin Powerhouse Church and a Chaplain for The University of Texas Police Department.

His heart and life mission is to help call forth and grow powerful prayer in the lives of those the Lord entrusts to him, that believers today may experience and operate in signs, wonders and miracles for the Glory of God.

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ADRN Receives Round Rock’s Community Heart Award


Volunteer – Disaster Relief Coordinator (DRC)

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Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death,
jealousy is fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
the very flame of the Lord.
Song of Solomon 8:6

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$10 is the minimum online donation. All donations are tax deductible.

Donations Disclaimer: Gifts to ADRN for a specific disaster response will be used as designated. If a specific disaster response becomes overfunded and identified needs have been addressed, the ADRN Board of Directors will redirect your gift to a similar response effort. All other gifts to ADRN are unrestricted and may be used for any purpose consistent with the mission and vision of ADRN.