SURVIVOR HOTLINE: 512-806-0800

Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

As we have responded to the needs of survivors after devastating storms wreaked havoc across Texas and neighboring states, supply levels at ADRN are extremely low and we need to restock as soon as possible.

Knowing how quickly everything can change in a disaster, please give generously today to help ADRN restock and be prepared to respond.

Your compassion will help people receive the short- and long-term support they need after disaster strikes. Thank you!

Click to read the full update.

Click to read testimonies from survivors.

Disclaimer: Gifts to ADRN for a specific disaster response will be used as designated. If a specific disaster response becomes overfunded and identified needs have been addressed, the ADRN Board of Directors will redirect your gift to a similar response effort. All other gifts to ADRN are unrestricted and may be used for any purpose consistent with the mission and vision of ADRN.

Churches of Greater Austin Bringing Hope into Crisis

Our mission is to glorify Christ by equipping, empowering, and mobilizing the Church of Greater Austin to shepherd those affected by disaster and meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

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$10 is the minimum online donation. All donations are tax deductible.

Donations Disclaimer: Gifts to ADRN for a specific disaster response will be used as designated. If a specific disaster response becomes overfunded and identified needs have been addressed, the ADRN Board of Directors will redirect your gift to a similar response effort. All other gifts to ADRN are unrestricted and may be used for any purpose consistent with the mission and vision of ADRN.